Sunday, May 13, 2007

Gun control is not the answer.

yes! i beleive gun control is not the answer. on 16 april 2007 the world was shocked by news of a mass killing in virginia tech University, USA. 33 students were killed including the killer himself, Cho Seung Hui who is a korean studying in america.

firstly i feel it is very tragic that 33 young promising teenagers had to die just like that. it is just cruel and inhuman to gun people down as if you would an animal, no matter what they did wrong.Apparently Cho felt that the people had discriminated against him and wanted to get back at them. however those who bore the brunt of his vegence were innocent students.

lastly i feel that guns shld not be so easily available. immature and irrational people may abuse the use of guns as shown over all the years where people have been shooting other people for fun, the debate over has gun control was magnified because of the mgnitude of the shooting

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