Sunday, May 13, 2007

Censorship can never ben justified. Do you agree?

no! i do not agree that censorship can never be justified.i beleive censorship is justifiable. in fact censorship is very important to protect the society from various dangers that the world may bring.this includes pornography , excessive violence, vulgarities and many other mature themes, etc...

if there were no censorship in the world children of any age can easily be exposed to mature themes that they should not be. this may have an effect on them in the future. they may learn from what they see and may follow what they see. they still do not have the maturity to comprehend and understand what they see and would anyhow apply it.

there would be chaos in the world as wellif there was no censorship.for example people would be saying anything they wanted, offending countless people all over the world. for example the cartoon of prohet mohammed caused a furore all over the world. if there was more sensitivity towards the religion, and the cartoon not be shown non of this problems would have arrised

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