Saturday, April 28, 2007

'Nowadays, the mass media do not report the news; they make the news'.

'Nowadays, the mass media do not report the news; they make the news'. i sgree with this statement to quite a large extent. When we talk about mass media we mean all sorts of mediums that spreads messages to the masses. this would include the newspapers,internet,television and radio etc. When we talk bout recent events i imply that it refers to events that are reported from within a few days to about a year as news are contantly updated an changed and and should not be too far back in time.As we can see with the advancement in technology the number of mediums increase as well. Thus the information is more easiily obtainable and reaches out to a larger audience,so the mass media has become more influencial to people's thinking and must report news accurately.

However, this is not what is witnessed throughout the world today.Espacially in other countries where there is freedom of press,unlike in singapore where the press is controlled by the government to a certain extent. these usually include the more open societies like Hong Kong,Taiwan and of course most of the western countries like America and Britain. In these countries they have the tabloids and paparazzi which have almost full authority to write whatever they want about celebrites,politicians and other public figures. these stories that they write are mostly speculaton, or are obtained by "sources that are close" to the publiic figure. For example in Taiwan a female celebrity claim to leave for the USA because of love as her boyfriend was there, however the tabloids speculated that she was pregnant. till now there is still no evidence of her being pregnant yet the tabloids could still say what they want. this goes to show that some media do not report but make news that are juicy in order to sttract readership.

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