Sunday, April 15, 2007

“YouTube has no ethics, it’s been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money.” Do you agree?

i do not agree that the sole purpose of entertainment and money. yes it is true that the creation of youtube has made multi-millionaires out of its creators-3 young teenagers who are now only in their 30s, however earning millions of dollars was not their sole purpose.

In fact YouTube was born when the founders wanted to share some videos from a dinner party with friends in San Francisco. However they could not find an easy way to do so. Emails would reject it because of its large size, while uploading videos on the internet were just to troublesome. Thus they thought up a simpler way to do so YouTube. This goes to show their main purpose of creating YouTube was convenience, to create a medium that allows a simple and idiot-proof way to share one's videos with others around the world, the millions of dollars were their just rewards of their contribution to society.This view has been shared by many as YouTube has received many awards and good reviews around the world.

It is true that YouTube has a very high entertainment value, with humour, thrillers , dramas , home-made videos and many more genres among its videos. However it also contains many educational videos, since all sorts of videos are posted, this include documentrys and directional videos teaching prople all sorts of things like exercise, cooking and many more. The existence of Youtube has created another free source of education for the masses.

It is not fair to say that YouTubes has no ethics. In the first place, YouTube was created to help people, however there are always a few people who choose to abuse this. Since YouTube is for the public, people can practically upload whatever they like, and all YouTube can do is to screen out offensive and copyright material. However some of this material do make it on the net. This goes to show YouTube trys to allow only healthy and legal content on its website and that they are not unethical.

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